Reading Room Book Group
Join us for a weekly Book Group as we explore the Passion Story from the Gospels in the Bible, on Thursday afternoons March 13 – April 24 in the Reading

An Idea from the Bible Lesson
. . . present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. King James Bible Romans 12:1 present

Our church services are online!
Can’t join us in person? Click HERE to join us on Zoom on your desktop, tablet or smartphone for virtual worship services on Sunday 10:30 am (PT) (UTC-8) and Wednesday 7:30 pm (PT) (UTC-8).

Sentinel Watch
Every Monday, listen to a new episode of Sentinel Watch, a weekly podcast from the Christian Science Sentinel. Tune in to hear a question and answer on a timely topic

Fellowship Lunch & Focus Prayer Group
We hold a Fellowship Lunch on the 4th Sunday of each month (September to May) in our Sunday School at 11:30 am. Join us on Zoom for the Focus Prayer