A Thought from the Bible
. . . How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; 1st Kings 18:21 How (to ;) The Bible New King James Version®
. . . How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; 1st Kings 18:21 How (to ;) The Bible New King James Version®
. . . the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. King James Bible Psalms 100:5 the
The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. King James Bible Psalms 118:14, 17
Consider the work of God: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: King James Bible Ecclesiastes 7:13 (to ;); 3:11 (to :)
The Lord is my shepherd; . . . He restoreth my soul: King James Bible Psalms 23:1 (to ;), 3 (to :)
. . . if you plant in the field of the Spirit, from the Spirit you will gather the harvest of eternal life. Galatians 6:8 2nd if Good News Translation
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